Do you know about the sex form that originated from India and is considered as a deep amalgamation of intimate connection and satisfying pleasure? Chances are you must not be familiar with the concept of ‘Tantric Sex ’ that originated from India, traced back to the sixth century from the sacred instructional texts known as Tantras. Sometimes you can be confused with the vast amount of information that India has given to the world in almost every fields. In the old times, India was much advanced compared to the rest of the world.
Sex, a taboo subject in our present times in India, was a scientific medium of transferring energy between two souls during our old advanced times. It was a subject of research, and our ancient philosophers and researchers have produced a significant amount of information in this art form ranging from Tantras to Kamasutra. It is a concept of exploring your body and your partners’ and building a deep intimate connection through many scientific sex positions. What we call Yoga in present times are the techniques that were preached in the tantric sex. Many Indians would be proud when they know that tantric sex is widely recognized in the developed countries and is being accepted as the right form of having sex for satisfying your body and soul. Let’s check three reasons why tantric sex is getting more popular in the 21st century.
Being Comfortable: When you practice regular or hardcore sex, sometimes your body may feel uncomfortable, even though you get the pleasure. Especially for women who are not into such hot shots, it may get uncomfortable with fast and deeper penetrations, but they often don’t tell this as the male enjoys it much. Tantric sex doesn’t go with this concept as it believes in the satisfaction of both while both are comfortable with each other. The techniques and angles described in these sex forms are such that you attain maximum pleasure without hurting the other person. Rough sex doesn’t translate to maximum pleasure, and this can be proved through this sexual form.

Deep sensual connection: Tantric sex encourages the use of all five senses in its act. When you are using all your sensory organs, automatically your focus is concentrated directly and solely on other’s body. Tantric sex tries to establish a deeper connection with your partner and being a single soul. The sex experience is enhanced by this factor alone as most people tend to use just their skin for feeling the other. But there are many forms of sensing your partner, and if we go by science, you have five sense organs that feel the other persons.

Maximum pleasure: People often get wrong about sexual pleasure because the maximum pleasure comes only during orgasm. The regular sexual trend has made us believe in this delusion, contrary to what tantric sex says. The essence of tantric sex is that you enjoy the whole journey rather than only the destination. And you get pleasure in the journey also, and not only during orgasms. Tantric sex is enlightening to our body where we are conscious and able to feel every inch of our partner’s body and rejoicing it. The sexual techniques, the positions and the sensual methods are very much why you enjoy your whole tantric sex session more than the orgasms. Of course, orgasms are also deeply satisfying. Still, instead of having just one single moment of joy, you have a plethora of lovely time.

To make things easier for people willing to practice tantric sex, Loverollers have brought special sex furniture crafted from comfortable and durable wood, which can easily practice wide tantric sex positions. If you want your lady to take control of sex, you can check these woman-on-top sex position variants practised globally. And remember to start with tantric sex to enlighten your body and soul while pleasing your partner too. Make tantric sex a type of experiment in your sexual life, for which you surely will gain many things.