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Give an unforgettable and long lasting experience to couples & lovers on their #LoveTrip

Offer more to couples , not just a room !!!

Couples and lovers who come on their #LoveTrip want to spend their romantic holidays with unforgettable memories to feel and experience a unique & refreshing connection. They don’t come for luxury and lavish experience , mostly hotel and resorts provide luxurious items and  romantic ambiance in rooms but still there is missing of sensation and DeepLove experience, by providing LoveRollers ride experience to couples and let them to discover the pleasure of the senses, unique & wild experience of love which help to create unforgettable long lasting experience

What you can offer to your customers ?

Sale “Sensations”

Offer different and unforgettable stays, something innovative in the sector that only few high end hotel, resort and SPA centers offer, YES It’s Sensations

Offer unforgettable and long lasting experience, not just a spa or massage

Offer not just a room or service, offer something unique and wild  to customers so they can remember it forever

Increase Booking with LoveRollers 

Tags – LoveRollers , SPA , Hotels , Resort , Honeymoon Couple , wedding Gifts , Sex Furniture , Love Making Furniture

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Call us – 82185 80377


Every LoveRollers category products generally takes 2 -3 days to prepare, if not in stock and LoveRollers are prepared by our handicraft and artisans for greater love making experiences.
Delivery of LoveRollers product generally takes 3-5 business days by delivery channel partners to deliver at your door step
For other products , we deliver the products at same day or next business day.